Worklife Balance Worklife Balance
Worklife Balance

Why Time Off Is Important

Feeling like a vacation would do you good? I’m sure most of us can relate, but as it turns out, actually taking that vacation is easier said than done for a lot of Americans. According to The Guardian, in 2014, “the number of unused vacation days in the US reached a 40-year high. Researchers at Oxford Economics hired by the US Travel Association put the numbers at about 169m days, equivalent to $52.4bn in lost benefits.”

The culprit? Our apparent workaholic culture. Whether because of guilt or the feeling of just being too busy to leave, a healthy break seems hard to come by for many. A good work-life balance is an extremely important part of a satisfying life, so here are some great reasons to email your boss and finally schedule that vacation!

#1 Recharge and up your productivity

There’s no doubt that non-stop work and constant stress take a toll on a person. But did you know that more work could also make you less productive? According to Allison Gabrial, an assistant professor of management at Virginia Commonwealth University who studies job demands and employee motivation, “When you are constantly draining your resources, you are not being as productive as you can be. If you get depleted, we see performance decline. You’re able to persist less and have trouble solving tasks.”

Taking a vacation can help you recharge and reset your brain, giving you clarity and energy, making you even more productive when you return back to the office.

#2 Reset your brain

Taking time off can help ease feelings of anxiety, worry, and stress. Taking even a single day off can help reset yourself mentally, making it easier to focus back in the office and on your other days off.

#3 Build the work/life balance you’ve always wanted

Taking time off doesn’t always mean an extended vacation and flying somewhere tropical. Scheduling random one-off days can be just as beneficial. Build a great work/life balance by scheduling time for your own interests and hobbies.

#4 Increase Motivation

A rested, relaxed mind can provide clarity in all aspects of life. Taking time off gives you a period to assess what your goals are and how you can achieve them.

Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management, explains, “Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24-hour time-out.”

So you see? Why not fire-up outlook today and let your boss know how your next time-off request will increase your productivity! We know the importance of a good work-life balance, and we sure your employer does too!