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Social Distancing Reminders for Safer Retail Shopping

Grocers and retailers are deploying decals and signage made by Michigan’s Britten, Inc. to help protect customers and employees.

You may have only dreaded that weekly trip to the grocery store before. Now it comes with an added degree of anxiety and risk.

Essential retail businesses and grocers allowed to remain open have responded by adopting new policies and cleaning procedures to keep shoppers and workers safe. Social distancing is a major part of that strategy, which led to calls for Britten—a leading American sign-maker and visual branding strategist—to begin designing, printing, and manufacturing social distancing reminders for its retail and grocery store partners.

“We don’t normally think of grocery stores and their workers as first responders at risk during a crisis,” says Britten’s CMO Melissa Kilbourn. “But this is different. The people keeping our stores—and the public who must still shop—deserve every degree of safety and a little peace of mind in this difficult time. And we’re grateful to be able to help.”

Sk1 Walmart Display Pop Banner Floor Decal Costco 2 Costco 1

Above photos are conceptual mock-ups.

Store owners are requesting social distancing reminders that are easy to set up and can be moved quickly and easily adjust to surges in traffic anywhere in the store, according to Kilbourn. Decals, lightweight pop-up displays, and hanging ceiling signage all deliver fast and affordable options.

“Many retailers are restricting the number of people allowed into a store at any one time and then promoting one-way foot-traffic once they enter. This is where signage can help. They’re also marking off areas around cashiers, and using floor decals to remind customers to remain six-feet apart in normally crowded areas such as checkout lines and delis.”

Is social distancing the new “abnormal” for American shoppers? Kilbourn hopes not.

“We’re looking forward to the day when all this is a bad memory,” she says. “But in the meantime, Britten is working hard to supply our business and grocery store partners with affordable solutions to help lessen the impact on what concerns their customers and workers today.”

If you're an essential business that needs help implementing a social distancing signage program quickly and effectively, please contact Britten, Inc. today.