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New 'Safety Grants' for MI Business Owners Cover Mobile Sinks & PPE

The new $8.5 million ‘COVID-19 Workplace Safety Grants’ program is accepting applications now through August 7th. Keep reading to find out how you can apply online.

Help protect your workers and support fellow Michigan business owners at the same time. The Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity announced this week a multi-million dollar grant initiative aimed at providing matching funds to small businesses—up to $10,000—for safety and health-related equipment purchased in response to COVID-19.

Funding covers hospital isolations gowns, CoughGuard™ barrier defense, and portable handwashing stations like those manufactured by Britten Safety Solutions, a Traverse City-based company.

Handwashing Stations 20 Green Gown 0208 edit

Grant applications are being accepted now through Friday, August 7, 2020, with awards given shortly thereafter. Grants received after August 7, 2020 will be held pending a potential second phase, if funds remain available.

Learn more – “COVID-19 Workplace Safety Grant” brochure.

Submit your online applications here.

View the full news release announcing this grant.

To learn more about PPE, mobile handwashing stations, and CoughGuard barrier defense, visit Britten Safety Solutions new website at