Light Pole Banners and Brackets Light Pole Banners and Brackets
Light Pole Banners and Brackets

Light Pole Banner Programs

Whether you’re a big city, small town, university, or non-profit organization; spreading a consistent message is a cornerstone to success. Light pole banner programs can help spread awareness for events, activities and even advertise organizations.

Not only are these programs a great way to add color, excitement, and beauty to the downtown streetscapes and campuses, but they can also be a great source of sponsorship revenue for cities and non-profits alike.

Being that we’re huge fans of these programs, we thought we would share a few tips to help you create a comprehensive light pole banner program to suit your needs.

The first thing that you’ll want to tackle is establishing the program guidelines. A few examples might include:

Establish quality requirements – this will help ensure consistency of theme and quality. You should determine what type of banner materials and finishing options are eligible for display, this will help keep you banners looking better, longer.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using banners that are printed double-sided on heavyweight vinyl with full UV resistant ink and double needle lock stitching on all pocket hems. 22oz. vinyl banners are durable, but also affordable so you can purchase multiple designs throughout the year without breaking your budget.

Determine banner types and dimensions – again this will help make sure that your banners maintain a clean, uniform, and aesthetically pleasing look and feel.

Pro Tip:

Organizations have many different ideas of how to best utilize light pole banners for their specific needs. Here are a few cool ways some of our clients have chosen to set-up sponsorships in their communities:

Light Pole Banner Placements

Sponsorship Rules – this is the meat and potatoes of your program. Clearly identify things like the types of organizations, events, and advertising allowed, pricing structure, banner display duration, installation specifications, program locations (eligible poles), and preferred printing companies.

Pro Tip:

Always remember to keep safety in mind while you’re setting-up banner program specifics. It’s important to consider banner height (make sure they’re installed high enough to ensure large trucks and emergency vehicles can freely pass underneath them). And make sure they don’t impede light signals, crossing signals, or street signs.

The importance of banner brackets:

There’s another equally important factor to consider when setting up your light pole banner program, and that’s banner brackets. While this may seem like a no-brainer, it’s not as straight forward as one might think.

One of the great things about city banner programs is the sponsorship revenue. Banner brackets can play a huge role in making sure that revenue stays put—and doesn’t end up paying for costly repairs instead.

By selecting a wind-spilling bracket, not only will your light pole banners will stay looking great for much longer, but they will also survive almost anything that mother nature can throw at them—which is great for areas like parking lots where wind can oftentimes whip around unimpeded.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using BannerSaver™ brackets, which are the most advanced, spring-loaded light pole banner bracket system available today. In high-wind, the patented spring-loaded bracket releases, reducing stress on banners and poles. When the wind dies down, the banners return right back to their original position. Watch the video here:

Get Things Started!

Light pole banner programs can be a beautiful addition to any city, town, campus, or place of worship. Hopefully, this post has helped get your gears turning and excited about the possibilities.

If you’re interested in a light pole banner program of your own, our team of placemaking experts would be more than happy to discuss your needs, survey your space and help you build the perfect program.